Personal Stories
Prospective parents can benefit from hearing how others have navigated prenatal screening decision-making. A range of personal stories are captured below.

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Lived Experience - Prenatal Screening

Julia Hales - The Upside
In this ABC documentary, Julia Hales explores people’s thoughts when they face a decision about having a baby with Down Syndrome and re-examines her experience as she confronts parents’ fears and celebrates the joys of living with Down Syndrome.
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Lived Experience
One Screened Every Minute - Podcast
This podcast presents a series of interviews with people across Australia who have received high chance screening results for a range of chromosomal conditions, including Down syndrome. The interviews, which incorporate the experiences of prospective parents who have continued the pregnancy, as well as those who have chosen termination, reveal the immense emotional toil required to navigate decision making.
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Lived Experience
Through the Unexpected
Through the Unexpected works to protect the mental wellbeing of people who receive unexpected news regarding the health, development or genetics of their unborn baby. Through the Unexpected advocates for reduced systemic silence, stigma and shame surrounding this experience. The not for profit organisation aims to ensure people are empowered with high quality, impartial information to make informed choices and are supported for as long as required.
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Lived Experience
Discussion paper on prenatal screening – 2021 survey results
This discussion paper examines the experiences of Australian families over the past decade who have engaged in prenatal screening and highlights examples of quality care; and what is recommended in current policy and guidelines.
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Peer Support Network
Get Support
Have you received unexpected news following prenatal screening or simply need advice about your options?
Support through the Down Syndrome Queensland support service is available for any prospective parent, health care professional, community service, carer or family members supporting someone who has received unexpected news about their pregnancy.