Chromosomal Conditions
It is important that the information provided to prospective parents during the prenatal screening process about conditions that are being screened for supports them to make an informed choice about their pregnancy.
FACT SHEET – Prospective Parents – Living with Down syndrome
Chromosomal Conditions Resources
Contact Us
Have you received unexpected news following prenatal screening or simply need advice about your options?
Support through the Down Syndrome Queensland support service is available for any prospective parent, health care professional, community service, carer or family members supporting someone who has received unexpected news about their pregnancy.
Down syndrome

Down syndrome
About Down syndrome
Down syndrome is the most common genetic disability. There are approximately 13,000 people in Australia who have Down syndrome. The birth rate for Down syndrome is one in every 1,100 births in Australia. Down syndrome is not an illness or a disease. Down syndrome is caused when a person is born with an extra chromosome. People with Down syndrome have 47 chromosomes instead of 46. They have an extra chromosome 21, which is why Down syndrome is sometimes known as trisomy 21.
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Down syndrome
Down Syndrome Australia
The Down Syndrome Australia Federation is made up of State and Territory associations providing support, information and resources to people with Down syndrome and their families across the country. The associations have come together to represent and progress the needs, interests and aspirations of people with Down syndrome and those that support them.
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