Pregnancy Options
Receiving unexpected prenatal screening results or a diagnosis can often raise more questions than answers. Options that may be considered following the diagnosis of a chromosomal condition include continuing the pregnancy or termination of pregnancy. Genetic counselling, non-directive pregnancy counselling, mental health and peer support can be accessed by prospective parents as they navigate decision-making that aligns with their beliefs and values.

Pregnancy Options Resources
Contact Us
Have you received unexpected news following prenatal screening or simply need advice about your options?
Support through the Down Syndrome Queensland support service is available for any prospective parent, health care professional, community service, carer or family members supporting someone who has received unexpected news about their pregnancy.
Genetic Counselling

Genetic Counselling
Genetic Counselling: A Guide for Parents (Raising Children)
Patient information on genetic counselling.
View Website
Genetic Counselling
Queensland Genetic Health
GHQ is a statewide service with genetic counsellors in all the major maternal fetal medicine units within Queensland Health – Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital, Gold Coast University Hospital, Sunshine Coast University Hospital and Townsville Hospital.
View Resource
Genetic Counselling
Human Genetics Society of Australasia
Details for public and private services in Queensland.
View Website